Friday, February 26, 2010

Loving P90X

Rocking out to Theory of a Deadman before P90X Legs & Back. I like to turn the music off on the DVD and play my favorites that match the work out that day.
P90X just makes you feel good. I'm loving it...and I can't wait til I'm at goal weight...I've got so much bottled up inside me that P90X is bringing out...there aint no stoppin me now, baby!
The workout: Well, I got half of it in today. Why? Ask the three little monsters that made me referree today. One child is sick, and that makes the bunch wild, wrangy, frustrated...etc. So, I'm happy with half. Half is a whole lot better than none...and it came this close <> to being none.
One thing I noticed is how tight my legs are. I realize how important daily exercise is, even when I AM totally fit, just to keep the body limber and loose. Today, I'm feeling Yoga.
Tomorrow, Kenpo X, and I'm really really looking forward to it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yogaahhhhhh X...Round 2 P90X

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually enjoyed Yoga today. My back was bothered at first, but the more I went the better it felt. I did keep watching the clock around the 53 minute I briefly contemplated quitting. It's funny the excuses a person can come up with when they just don't feel like it. But I did most of it. I opted out a few moves that would tweak my neck since my neck has been out for a bit (chiropractor is on vacation). My head was in a good place today too, so that definitely helped with the determination and concentration. I did about 87 minutes.
Oh, and my heel is feeling better today. It's not quite healed, but it's a lot better than yesterday.
Tomorrow, Legs and Back. Hope the heel is even better.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh yeah, baby

Now THAT's what I'm talkin about! I just finished my P90X Shoulders & Arms workout, and I just totally LOVE it. My arms are toast, and that's just the way I like it. I upped the weights in some things again today...I love pushing myself. Looking forward to tomorrow, even IF it IS YogaX....just a little leary about my foot, and all those poses. Oh well, I'll do my best and forget the rest, even if I have to improvise or modify. I'm back baby, and it feels sooo good!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


That's the sound of my get up and go coming to a skidding stop! I had a rough weekend. It was rough on all accounts. Monday I was supposed to start working out and my hubby and I were going to do it together. But I'm just not feeling well. It usually takes me a few days for my body to recover from a hit, and yesterday and today, I'm toast. I feel so crappy. My hubby had the stomach flu last night, so he was home from work feeling like crap too. I got my heel injection today, and let me just say YOWIE! Holy Toledo batman! Did that sucker hurt! And the residual pain lingered....a lot longer than before. I went grocery shopping instead of coming home and putting my foot up, and let me just say how much of a mistake THAT was! The pain lasted for a few hours....and now it's really tender. On the upside, I got 6 months out of that last shot, which is really good. The doctor there is a busy busy specialist. He doesn't waste words. But today, he shook my hand and said "you should be commended! It's really difficult for women to lose weight because you're built for babies. So the weight you've lost (58 lbs) is comparable to 125 lbs for a man. You really need to be commended. Keep up the good work." That meant so much to me. For HIM to make a statement like that to me, oh he of little words, that felt great!
So I come home and hubby puts a ham in the oven to roast that I just bought. I HATE THE SMELL OF MEAT ROASTING! I am sick. The smell is making me even MORE nauseaus. I'm not sure what it is. Beef, Chicken, turkey, pork, YUCK when it's roasting! Like totally BLUCK! *shudders*
So, here's what's going to happen. I will start my P90X tomorrow. It doesn't matter that it's in the middle of the week. I will get 5 days in at least. And next week, I'm hitting it hard, back on track. I'm aching to see the weight coming down. I feel like crap again, physically, and I really want to get back to feeling good. So, this is it for me. I'm making a run for it. I'm back in my zone, even tho I feel so bad today. I've got major goals, and I'm adding to them all the time. It's go time!

Monday, February 22, 2010


This weekend I decided to do some experimentation. I'm glad I did, because it only reiterates for me the need to stay on THIS eating path. I had some alcohol Friday night, and I paid for it. Sunday, I decided to try some bread and pasta. I had THE WORST stomach ache followed by bathroom issues. Food shouldn't make you in pain, or make you feel so bloated you'd swear you were pregnant. And when I eat the way I have been eating since June, I don't feel any odd or painful reactions. I feel satisfied. That's it. Eating my way may be a little more restrictive, might require more planning, but you know what? It is SO worth it.

P90X starts again today. My hubby and I are hitting it at the same time tonight...we're going to try and see how it goes working together. Chest & Back. It's going to feeel sooo goood getting back on the bus. Time to get this weight loss moving again.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fail...Round 2 P90X Reboot.

Ok, so I am still gung-ho for my P90X. I love it. But I have to reboot the process on Monday. I went away for the weekend, but that had unforseen repercussions. First I had planned to be away Friday-Sunday. I had planned to do X Stretch on Sunday, making it only 2 days off. BUT, I ended up getting very little sleep Saturday nite (3 hours) and while I was on the road home, I crashed...not literally, no car accident...but my body said "whoa!" and threw my brakes on. I ended up pulling off into a parking lot and sleeping for a couple hours. I refuelled my van, and my body, and headed home with a bad headache....The next day, I was still toast, and it was "Family Day" the no working out. Tuesday, still felt crappy...and now I'm busy around the house getting things cleaned and decluttered because we're having company tomorrow for the weekend. So, P90X will have to be rebooted on Monday...and let me just say, I'm so stoked for it. I WILL complete this next round with very little interruptions, and I will rock it! Hooshaw, baby!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Round 2- P90X Day 3, Shoulders & Arms...I Love Me Some Glamour Muscle Exercises!

Okay, this has GOT to be my second favorite exercise (Kenpo always comes in first)! I LOVE IT! There is nothing like working your arms and shoulders out and feeling that pumped up feeling. I LOVE pushing myself. I LOVE competing with myself. I LOVE seeing how much farther I can go, how many more reps I can do, how much heavier I can lift. I LOVE IT. There's nothing like jelly arms...and I'm pretty sure I'm going to feel this tomorrow. I started where I left off on my last P90X workout of the same kind last round. Why start small? Might as well go for broke.

One thing I'm not too pleased with is the fact that I hurt my left foot yesterday during Hot Foot. I knew I shouldn't have done it...but I push myself...I always do. So I did it...and almost feels cracked. I have a lot of pain when I put weight on it...oh well..good job I'm taking tomorrow and Saturday off...and guess what? I don't even feel the slightest bit bad about it. I'll be doing my X-Stretch Sunday, and gearing up for next week. I'm so happy that I got back into this. My body is going to transform, and I'm going to love every minute of it!

Btw, blogger friends, my husband Greg has decided to start his own blog, chronicling his very own P90X journey. He is "P90X-Me -Fit by 43" and I'm sure he'd love you to drop in and say hi. :o) Thankyouverymuch friends

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Round 2 P90X, Day 2: PlyoOOOOO!

Plyo...well, I got my booty kicked today! And I thoroughly loved it. I did MOST of it...didn't do the squat 180 switch-backs tho...felt too week, recovery drink WHILE I do plyo. And what about Dom? Dominic is CrAzY! It never ceases to amaze me how...jumpy...he is.

I really needed this endorphin boost today....been a bit...emotional. Feel great now and I am toast but in a good way! Looking forward to my recovery drink.... legs are jello...lovely! :o)

Tomorrow Shoulders & Arms! Yay!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm BAAACK, BABY! Brought it and left it on the floor! Day 1 - Round 2 of P90X

Well, I was apprehensive today....for some reason I couldn't make myself get fact, I was SUPPOSED to start this yesterday, but I couldn't make myself start then either. Not sure why, exactly. Perhaps it's because I know how hard it is...LOL. At any rate, I FORCED myself to do it today. And within 5 minutes of the actual workout, I remembered why I love P90X! There is nothing like the adrenaline pumping, the blood flowing, the apprehension...and then doing it. Where I started today was right where I left off the first round. This time, I impressed myself...I did 14 standard pushups, then 10. All of my pushups were upped, and the weight I left off for heavy pants and lawnmowers was the weight I started with today (20lbs). How do I feel? Like throwing up, that's how. LOL. I am shaking, I am nauseaus, but I persevered and completed it. I love when you work hard and your body goes "um, HELLO!!" Ahhh....a nice recovery drink with some ice, and I'm good to go. Currently, as I type this, my hubby is doing P90X for the first time. YAY!

Plyo tomorrow....oh boy, is that gonna kill me! But I'm soooo looking forward to it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Jan: 226.5
Feb: 221
-5.5 lbs
I'll take it. I had a rough month with not a lot of exercise because my body decided it had a mind of it's own. SO, I'll take this, happily. Watch out though...I fully expect February to rock! Starting my second round of P90X on Monday...and I'm itching to do it.
p.s. sorry about the toes...totally forgot about a hurry to get kids ready...and never actually noticed them until I uploaded the pix. LOL. Nice!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

P90X Tank Picture.

Well, I finally felt decent enough to take a picture of myself in my new P90X tank. Obviously I still have work to do, and when I get to where I'm going, I'm going to have this tank taken in. Since it cost me $50. to have my tank SHIPPED, here, making my tank worth a fortune, I'm not going to buy another one. LOL. Lesson learned...But I really like my shirt, and so, for this one time, I'm not sweating the extra money.

I won't be starting my second round of P90X until Monday, Feb. 15th because I was told to take some time and let my body recover, and after that, I'm going away for a, I'm going to hit it fresh and ready to kick some booty. Looking forward to it too.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another streak comes to an end...and I'm not even upset!

Well, I ended another streak. Even tho I didn't go weird on my eating, (the worst I did was have a little piece of deep fried banana) I had some drinks. My husband and I went to Niagara Falls for a much needed escape, and we went out for dinner and to a club. I had some drinks...the first time this mouth had anything with sugar/gluten in it since last June. It's okay tho. One weekend away, one evening with drinks did not break me. I don't regret it at all. One thing I will say is, even tho I did that, it doesn't feel like a free be to go crazy. I still consider my lifestyle refined-sugar-free/gluten-free. All of my choices after my drinks are still sound. I have absolutely NO compunction to eat badly, which just reaffirms to me that this is a lifestyle CHOICE, I've made. My body went kinda haywire afterwards, which just reiterates to me MY NEED of this lifestyle choice, a self imposed one to maintain a healthy body. So I'm good with that. If I go out and decide to have a drink or something, it does not need to translate into a complete departure from my chosen path. The past almost 7.5 months have taught me what is good for my body, it's taught me discipline and self control and more importantly the fact that I am strong enough to make a conscious decision without going haywire, out of control, gluttonous, and crazy. I am proud of myself.

I was going to start my P90X today, but I think I'd better postpone it. My back is out from the base of my skull, all down my spine to my tail bone. My head hurts so much from the whole back feels bruised. Why? 10 Pin bowling! LOL. Those balls are heavy. I played it for an hour with my hubby, and it was a lot of fun...but with the weights of the balls, and the twisting....not a good thing....thank goodness I have a chiropractors appointment this afternoon!