Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fail...Round 2 P90X Reboot.

Ok, so I am still gung-ho for my P90X. I love it. But I have to reboot the process on Monday. I went away for the weekend, but that had unforseen repercussions. First I had planned to be away Friday-Sunday. I had planned to do X Stretch on Sunday, making it only 2 days off. BUT, I ended up getting very little sleep Saturday nite (3 hours) and while I was on the road home, I crashed...not literally, no car accident...but my body said "whoa!" and threw my brakes on. I ended up pulling off into a parking lot and sleeping for a couple hours. I refuelled my van, and my body, and headed home with a bad headache....The next day, I was still toast, and it was "Family Day" the no working out. Tuesday, still felt crappy...and now I'm busy around the house getting things cleaned and decluttered because we're having company tomorrow for the weekend. So, P90X will have to be rebooted on Monday...and let me just say, I'm so stoked for it. I WILL complete this next round with very little interruptions, and I will rock it! Hooshaw, baby!


Pitbull said...

That's my girl!!! I love your drive and determination! You're like the energizer bunny...take a licken' and keep on ticken'!!! LOL!! xo

Moi said...

Way to get back on track! Its okay to stumble, as long as you don't take it as an opprotunity to sit down and cry about it. Get back up and keep going!!!

Pam90X said...

Bring it baby!