Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Little Engine That Could....

Today, I'm not feeling well. I've barely eaten ...and I went for a few hour nap this afternoon. I made myself get up, and after drinking a recovery drink...which I would need to get me through the workout, I got on that treadmill. I walked for 8 minutes, then jogged for 4. After getting that initial adrenaline rush, I decided that I was going to push my max...and so I did. I walked for 3 minutes, then RAN at 5.0 for 2 minutes. Hmmm...seems I'm stronger than I thought. So after walking for 3 minutes, I RAN at 6.0 for 1 minute, then walked the remainder to make it a 25 minute workout. I surprised myself. My heartrate was through the roof, but it recovers quickly. This little engine that could...did...and I feel sooo happy about that, because I really really needed it today.

1 comment:

rochelle said...

Lisa, I was just looking at your picture. Your face has totally gotten thinner! You look fabulous.